At Vascular Surgery Associates, our board-certified vascular surgeons are among the best-educated, most experienced, and most highly trained practitioners in Virginia. With decades of combined professional experience and exceptional training from across the Eastern United States, we built VSA to be your first choice for vascular care in Virginia.Our surgeons are the best in their field and each holds a certification in either vascular or general surgery.

Here at VSA, we take a team approach to care, with physicians working in close partnership with NPs, PAs, and Prosthetists. We promote timely access, effective communications, shared decision-making, and integration of services, resulting in improved outcomes and enhanced quality of life for those we serve.

Vascular Surgery Associates, formerly Virginia Surgical Associates, was formed when our surgeons banded together to create an independent practice. Over the years, our doctors have established VSA as the respected and trusted specialty medical care destination that it is today. Furthermore, as leaders in the medical community, our team is committed to researching and implementing the latest advancements in vascular medicine for the benefit of all of our patients.

Meet our team and learn more about why VSA is your first choice for vascular care in Central Virginia and beyond.

Vishnu Ambur
Vishnu AmburMD, FACS
Jeff Brown
Jeff BrownMD, FACS
Andrew Leake
Andrew LeakeMD, FACS
Gregg Londrey
Gregg LondreyMD, FACS
Avik Mukherjee
Avik MukherjeeMD, FACS
Mark Scaife
Mark ScaifeMD
Marc Warner
Marc WarnerMD, FACS
Andrew Tierney
Andrew TierneyMD, FACS, RPVI
Frank Stoneburner Jr.
Frank Stoneburner Jr.MD, FACS, Emeritus
Chris Cox
Chris CoxPA-C
Kathryn Niederer
Kathryn NiedererPA-C
Kelli Hodges
Kelli HodgesPA-C
Melissa Clarke
Melissa ClarkeMSN, ACNP-BC
Lauren Todd
Lauren ToddMSN, AGNP-BC
Preston Williams
Preston WilliamsCPO
Victoria Corbin
Victoria CorbinMSN, FNP-C
Michael Massaro
Michael MassaroPA-C

“The entire staff was caring and kind the moment my wife and I entered the building and the wait was not long at all to see the Doctor. Dr. Stoneburner was excellent, he genuinely seems to care about his patients and you feel confident under his care.”